Part 5: Chapter 4
Well. It's starting to sound like the plot is beginning! Let's not keep it waiting.
Now, if you know anything at all about Fire Emblem, you've probably already guessed what's going on...
Wait for it...
And this is a stray article.
"I know you all know where we live, but I just wanted to remind you how far I had to travel."
So, yeah, just when you thought we might finally have a Fire Emblem plot that does not begin with a sudden invasion of one country by a neighbour with which it has previously been (sort of) peaceful, surprise!
Sadly, Ike is not royalty, and is presently running towards the conflict, so we're still one element removed from Full Fire Emblem Synchronization.
[Received the Regal Sword!]
Sweet! This is a more minor (but still very recurring) Fire Emblem Tradition; a weapon for the main character that's decently powerful (1 Mt shy of a Steel Sword), very light (1... Wt? lighter than an Iron Sword), has a crit bonus (10%) and is effective against armoured and mounted units. That last bit will make it invaluable for most of the first half of the game.
If Rhys is dead, Titania will have literally this exact same conversation with Ike instead.
Oh, Fire Emblem. Never change.
The boss walks slooowly back to the opposite side of the field and we're left facing quite a worrying amount of soldiers.
If Shinon is dead or if you're not playing on Hard Mode, Ike will actually say what most players are almost certainly already thinking:
Well then.
Not much happens in the pre-fight menu except us somehow teleporting Boyd's Fighter Band onto Soren. Yes, Soren. Trust me on this one.
Soren is our first Mage, so he will, naturally, be attacking with magic and dealing with enemy Resistances instead of Defences. Since most non-magical enemies have low Resistance, this is pretty great. Of course, the flip side of this is that Soren, as a mage, is extremely squishy and starts at Lv 1. On top of that, he has no Strength. Having no Strength is more of a problem for Mages than having no Magic is for fighters; physical units don't cast spells (for the most part), but Mages still need to carry tomes. That Wind tome is light (1 Wt), but later tomes will not be so. Hence the Fighter Band; Soren's Magic and Resistance are fine on their own, and his Speed is adequate.
This is not a chapter where we have the luxury of not using Shinon and Titania. This doesn't mean we can't use them correctly, though.
(even if Shinon does sometimes accidentally crit people)
Also, remember the battle music "Like Father, Like Son" from the prologue? This track takes the melody from that and puts it in a track that doesn't sound like a fucking MIDI. Progress!
Now weakened, the Myrmidon is easy prey for Soren.
Most of the enemies here are Soldiers; reasonably well rounded lance users. Some of them are carrying Steel Lances. None of them are nearly strong enough to wield Steel Lances without having their AS reduced to zero. Result; lots of doubles for Gatrie.
Titania rides to this spot and unequips her axe. No need to set her loose just yet.
Titania's clever positioning means Soren is safe for the time being. Rhys comes over to join him in the not-murder-zone.
Ike hangs back to draw some of the enemies to him. Not all of them, though; Ike isn't quite strong enough to live through a horde of people attacking him.
Shinon with Provoke is a very effective distraction. Melee enemies love attacking Shinon as it is; the fact that he can't counterattack at melee range puts him almost at the top of the Goddamn Fire Emblem AI's hitlist. Provoke just seals the deal.
Also, he's quite good at dodging.
Titania's distraction op is an incredible success. She takes about 5 damage in the process.
Gatrie also gets to teach another Steel Lance masterclass.
Even the enemy archers go for Titania.
The Iron Lance users can't damage Gatrie, but conversely, he can't double them.
And all the enemies who can't get into attack range just charge.
Shinon and Soren do their thing again.
Titania stops fucking around and breaks out the weapons.
More Gatrie.
I've fucked up. Two Soldiers can attack Soren next turn. If both hit, he's toast. Fortunately, Shinon should be able to distract one of them.
He does.
In fact, he gets both. The second one runs a complete circle around Ike just to get to Shinon.
For all the good it does him.
While another Soldier gets crippled by Gatrie and the two already crippled by Gatrie run away to heal, another one goes for Titania. It goes about as well for him as you'd expect.
An enemy archer gets caught by Provoke. This one's funny, because Shinon can, of course, counter this one. Which he does.
We've survived another turn, but enemies are now unacceptably close to Soren. Shinon helps correct the problem by critting a guy.
Soren himself does his bit.
The mercenaries close ranks around Soren, and Rhys just keeps the fuck away from it all. I don't dare move Rhys forwards...
Someone finally attacks Ike. Ike reduces him to 1 HP and gains a level.
A meh-ish level, but Defence is Defence! This is a great chapter in which to be getting Defence.
Enemy archers now do just 1 HP damage to Ike.
There's also a guy who melees Shinon (miss) and more healing.
Our turn again, and another free kill for Soren.
Fuck Yes. Soren's first level gives him, among five other stats, a point of Strength.
While Shinon disposes of one archer, Ike breaks out his new toy against the second. The Steel Sword is too slow to double him, and the Iron Sword is too weak to kill him, but the Regal Sword works perfectly!
And that's the last of the invaders. Now we can push for the boss! Rhys uses this welcome opportunity to start throwing Heals around.
Gatrie goes ahead to draw the enemy out.
He succeeds.
Oh how he succeeds.
A Soldier and a Myrmidon also attack him, to no effect.
The rest all crowd around, including the boss. Since the boss has a Javelin - a lance that can be thrown to attack at range - I don't want Soren anywhere near him until it's time for the kill.
Ike gets a heal from Rhys and joins the fray.
Gatrie continues hunting Steel Lance users.
Everyone else stays put. There's a Myrmidon that can damage Soren, but Soren will double him in response, so he's welcome.
He doesn't, though. He runs away to heal.
Is it me, or has Ike been just not killing people a lot lately?
There's a weak archer over here too. How amusing.
The boss comes over, too.
He deals a respectable though ultimately irrelevant amount of damage to Ike.
Time to end this. The battle ends when we kill the boss, so we give everyone one last shot at wringing some EXP out. Gatrie manages to take out the Myrmidon...
To his moderate profit.
Ike uses the Regal Sword to soften the boss up. "Effective" weapons will double their Mt (that's the weapon's Mt, not the Mt that represents total damage (Man that was a terrible wording decision)) when employed against the correct target. The Regal Sword has 7 Mt, so it gets 7 bonus damage - although 2 of that gets mitigated by the Weapon Triangle (yes, WT Advantages and Disadvantages apply double to effective weapons).
Titania gets a random kill in, too, before getting out of the way.
Soren gets a heal from Rhys and a shove from Shinon...
And goes to face the boss.
Maijin is quite aware of his low Resistance, you see.
Soren dodges that Javelin like a boss.
Said Javelin passes to our possession.
Incidentally, Titania could've gotten some dialogue here:
You will be shocked to learn that there is additional dialogue here if anyone died during this fight. There's a scene for Titania...
One for Soren...
And one for the others.
"Stop trying to circumvent the game mechanics!"
We could've rushed the boss for the four-turn clear, but that would've left Soren and Rhys quite exposed, and also would've lost us out on a fair bit of combat EXP, so, yeah.
Lv 1 Mage
HP: 18 (45%) Spd: 8 (40%)
Str: 0 (5%) Lck: 5 (30%)
Mag: 6 (60%) Def: 2 (15%)
Skl: 8 (55%) Res: 7 (55%)
Move: 5 Con: 6 Wt: 6
Equip: Wind (D), Thunder (E), Fire (E)
Skill: Adept
Soren brings you precisely what you'd expect a Mage to bring you; plenty of magical capability but not much else. That's alright, though; he'll be able to nuke the shit out of anyone once his magic stat gets going. His growths aren't spectacular - in fact, they're pretty low - but he's got it where it counts. Most crucially, his speed is decent, although he can get screwed in that if you're unlucky. The only real problem with Soren is that he starts with 0 strength and has a 5% growth, which means that he'll be getting weighed down by tomes constantly. So watch out for that.
Incidentally, Path of Radiance dispenses with the Light/Dark/Anima magic schools from the GBA Fire Emblems (and the associated Weapon Triangle they had) and replaces that with Wind/Thunder/Fire... which is functionally identical. Light magic remains in the game, though, but it's neutral as far as any Triangles are concerned. However, all mages can use all kinds of magic (bar Light), so... make of that what you will.
Finally, Soren has the Adept skill innately. Adept gives you a [skill]% chance of attacking twice whenever you would ordinarily attack once. It's pretty awesome, except you can't really rely on it - especially now, when Soren has low speed. Something to remember, though.
Next Time: The final piece of the Standard Fire Emblem Plot falls into place...